International Consultant
Experiencia > Support for small and medium-sized enterprises

Support for small and medium-sized enterprises

SMEs are responsible for creating the largest number of new jobs -and not in the developing countries alone- and therein lies their decisive importance for effectively controlling poverty.

In the developing countries, however (with the exception of some Southeast Asian nations), the productivity of the SMEs is far below that of the large companies in those same countries. The results of this are reflected in the sizable differences that exist in worker income.

The challenge lies in promoting the creation of a modern SME sector that is competitive both domestically and internationally. I have acquired experience in the use of the following instruments, among others:

  • Support of enterprise service providers (consulting firms, associations, chambers of commerce and industry, government institutions, and NGOs)

  • Reinforcing institutions that provide assistance to the SME sector

  • Supporting SMEs organisation and associations of producers and exporters

  • Implementing measures to upgrade production standards, product quality, product design, and marketing

  • Training through voucher systems

  • Assistance in drawing up business plans

  • Contributing to the adoption of measures for improving access to information about domestic and foreign markets

  • Export promotion, more...

  • Implementation of quality assurance (and Social Accountability) systems like ISO 9000, ISO 14000, SA 8000, HACCP and Good Practices of Manufacture in SMEs, more...

  • Designing SME-oriented electronic commerce solutions (B2B), more...

  • Granting loans to both urban and rural micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

  • Implementing measures to support micro-enterprises (training and micro credits)

Copyright © 2012 Heiko Windolph, Berlin
Last update: June 2012